Support an original creator!

I subsist through living simply, being deeply fulfilled by the gift of small things, salvaging, foraging and finding opportunity in everything - and aligning with Right action. I blog, podcast and share regularly around these themes, and share all that I create with my close supporters. As a Patreon, Paypal, Bitcoin, Hive or real life supporter in any and every way, you open the doors to having my creative outpourings in your life; my wisdom, reciprocal support and counsel, my handmade clothing, my landscape and lifestyle design and my art, food, hospitality. My lifework is all about returning Real Value to the world, and reweaving magic-health-goodness into what has been occulted into 'cult'ure: every centessimo that I am gifted goes into spiralling upwards into sovereignty, creative freedom and miraculous healing!

I'm transparent with my special folk about what I need and what I am spending my incoming Gift on. I have worked hard throughout my life to both share my work freely, and to free others into the abundant paradise that we should and can be living in. You can see all that I share via Patreon.

A creative, free and spiritual lifestyle has an immense positive effect in the world: folks like myself contribute to the benefit of all by creating instead of consuming. Using less, making things by ourselves, and giving away what we create freely, we are sending out ripples of positivity - and righting a lot of the distorted aspects of our collective Reality.

By supporting those who create (especially those very few brave souls who have a life-long sovereign creative practise) you are investing in all kinds of mystical unravelling of the dreamspell: you are the wind beneath the wings of an awakening conscious and are contributing directly to a more harmonious world for all.

Support me via the links below.

I Am Living In Gift under Natural Law (the Highest Law That Is), as a free and sovereign soul in sacred harmony with Life, expressing Truth.
All Rights Embodied and Living - None Ceded 
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